


Alec Finlay, John Thornes & Owen Jones

In the second public event during his residency, Alec Finlay is joined again by the cultural geographer Owain Jones, to present a conversation with John Thornes, Professor of Applied Meteorology at the University of Birmingham.

Thornes's main research focus is the atmosphere and the dialectic between the atmosphere and society, for which he has developed three main areas of inter-related research in the fields of transport meteorology, landscape meteorology and the commodification of the atmosphere.

Gallery North
Wednesday 19th October, 2011
3:00 - 5:00 pm




Alec Finlay, Malcolm Fraser & Owen Jones


The windmill turbine, that iconic emblem of renewable energy, is both denigrated and idealized.

To launch his residency at Northumbria University the celebrated artist-poet and Northern Art Prize nominee, Alec Finlay, will hold a conversation with the award winning Scottish architect Malcolm Fraser and the cultural geographer Owain Jones who has written influentially on place and memory in relation to environmental debates about the Seven Estuary.

Gallery North
Friday 20th May 2011
3.00 - 5.00 pm